Friday, November 14, 2008

Lesson 05 of 26 African Slaves and Islam

This is a work by John Alembillah Azumah detailing the effect Arab-Islam has had on Africa. The book is called "Legacy of Arab-Islam in Africa: A Quest for Inter-Religious Dialogue." John Alembillah Azumah is in Hyderabad, India. He is an expert on Islam in Africa, and has published widely on this subject. Certain words in the Arabic language demonstrate just how their supremacy is ingrained in Arabic (and all Semitic) culture. For instance, the word for "slave" is abd, Abdullah means the "slave of Allah," where all Blacks/Africans are called Abeed (plural for slaves). You find similarly in Hebrew, Obed means "servant".
While slavery only lasted 3 centuries in the west, it has lasted 14 centuries in the Middle East and exists today in many Muslim countries. Another interesting fact was that the Arabic-Islamic slave trade in the trans-Saharan and East African slave markets had mortality rates as high as 80-90%, where the trans-Atlantic slave trade with Europeans is estimated at 10%. Also, in the trans-Atlantic, there were 2 men for every woman that went to the Americas. However, it was reversed with the Arabic-Islamic slave trade in that it took 2 women for every man (where all men were castrated). We can easily imagine the reason the Arabs demanded these gender ratios. With the men already being castrated, the children born to the women were regularly killed at birth, which explains why there is not African/Black population in West Asia, like that in Brazil and the United States. The death toll of Africans from the trans-Saharan and East African Islamic slave trade may be upwards of 140 million souls. -------

History of slavery and slaves in saudi arabia, chad, sudan and nigeria. dhimmitude is the status that Islamic law, the sharia, mandates for non-muslims. they are dhimmis (dhimmi). jihad with islamist. islamism and islamists have shariah.

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